Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Art Material Exploration #1: Exploring Value and The Subtractive Color Theory

1. I found it more difficult to create the value scale. It was difficult for me to get the shades correct box to box. I enjoyed creating the color wheel and found it interesting, however I found it difficult to get the colors dark enough to make the black color. I did not know cyan, magenta and yellow were the real primary colors.

2. I enjoyed working with the acrylic paint the best. I haven't used paints since I was a little kid, so I enjoyed doing that again and it was simple.

3. I found it interesting to learn more about the color wheel and creating it. I always wondered why in my color printer it used magenta, cyan and yellow and how they made all of the colors possible, but now I understand how those are the true primary colors. I all makes sense now.

4. The videos were very helpful because I did not know or understand what was expected for this project. After watching the videos, I understood what the value scale and color wheel should look like. I also learned where the colors have to be placed on the color wheel and which colors make what color. For example, mixing cyan and mangenta makes blue.

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