Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week 12- Video Blog

Matisse and Picasso

1. I chose this video because I enjoy Picasso's work and wanted to learn more, and I also did not know a lot about Matisse.
2. This video talks about the relationship between Matisse and Picasso. The video emphasizes both artists collection and the lives of both artist.
3. This video gave me a better understanding of the times and examples of both Picasso and Matisse's work.
4. I enjoyed this video. I was able to see artwork from both artist that I have never seen before.

Dance at the Moulin de la Galete

1. I chose this video because it sounded interesting.
2. This video discussed Renoir's life and discusses his idealism with his real life of poverty and radicalism that explains how he created this piece.
3. This video added to the text by discussing more information about Renoir.
4. I liked watching this film. I found it very interesting and gave me a personal idea about Renoir's life.

Dada and Surrealism

1. I chose this video because the Dada movement and Surrealism interest me.
2. This video discusses the Dada movement and how it changed into Surrealism and how it affected the change in art by giving examples of pieces from Europe.
3. This video gave me a better understanding of both of these movements supplementing the text with examples of artwork.
4. I found the art pieces very interesting and I now better understand surrealism.

The Impact of Cubism

1. I chose this video because while reading the text, the topic of Cubism sparked my interest.
2. This video discusses Cubism and how it influenced Europe. It discusses how it offered nonclassical ways to represent form and space.
3. This video gave me a better understanding of What Cubism is and how it changed art within Europe.
4. This video showed me a new type of artwork that I did not know or understand. I enjoyed this video and found it very informational and interesting.

I enjoy watching these videos, They all give me a better understanding by being able to see real life during these times.

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