Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week 14/15 Video Blog

Video 1- The Lowdown on Lowbrow:West Coast Pop Art
1. This video talks about lowbrow artwork. It discusses different parts of lowbrow and the times in history that had a large influence on it.
2. The video did not really relate to my art exhibition project. Lowbrow is all over the place and unorganized with different themes. My project is one theme and all goes together.
3. From this video, I learned something new; I learned what lowbrow is and its influences however I do not feel like it added to my understanding for creating my project.

Video 2- Displaying Modern Art: The Tate Approach
1. This video talks about how museums used to be set up and how it started to change in the 1970s. It talks about Tate's thematic approach to displaying art.
2. This video did relate to my art exhibition because we have to set it up as if it were in a museum and I feel this gave me better insight and a different aspect to look at.
3. This video showed me more about museums and things to think about for setting up my project.

Video 3- Bones of Contention: Native American Archeology
1. This video talks about the question to whether Native American remains that were found should be returned to their ancestors or not. It talks about David Van Horn, Susan Harjo, new laws like Grave Protection and Repatriation Act, the value of research and the tension between scientist, historians, museum curators and Native American groups.
2. This video did not really add to my project because it discussed more of Native Americans than actual art exhibitions.
3. It really did not add to my understanding for creating my project.

Video 4- George Eastman House: Picture Perfect
1. This video shows curators and archivists at Eastman's colonial revival mansion and how it is the oldest photography museum in the world.
2. The video related to my project in the fact that it shows inside the museum in the mansion and how it looks and is set up.
3. Other than me being able to see inside the museum, I really didn't find it useful for my project. I found it interesting but I wouldnt use any of the information for my project.

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