Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Project 4- Reflection of Process

I created this project by going on askART and I was able to click a topic and then further click sub-topics. I found modernism and then found the sub-group Nude painters. Nude painters jumped out at me, since I always seen a ton of paintings with nude people. I also wanted to choose something different than most people. From askART I was able to see a list of painters who have done nude paintings. Then I went onto CAMIO where I was able to search Nude painters where a ton of results came up. From there I chose paintings that appealed to me between both of the sites. Once I had all of my paintings chosen, I started to work on my powerpoint. I played around with different backgrounds. I wanted a plain background with a neutral color so it would not draw attention away from from the artwork. I can not really explain how I chose to order the paintings. I just moved them around until I liked where they were. I hope you like the final result!

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