Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Self Portrait Reflection

1. Why did you select the inspiration pieces?

2. Why did you select the media to create your self-portrait?
I chose to create my self-portrait with a pencil, so it would be easy to erase any mistakes I made and can redo it. I chose to sketch my portrait from one of my favorite pictures of myself that I recently had taken.

3. What challenges did you face in creating your self-portrait and how did you overcome them?
Drawing facial features was the most challenging with trying to create my self- portrait. I wanted to try and make myself look as realistic as I could, so I had to keep re- drawing my face.

4. How does this piece represent you?
This piece represents me, because its almost exactly how I look, the face is slightly larger than mine, but this is me.

5. What elements and principles of art did you apply in this work?
The main elements and principles that I concentrated on were lines, shapes, shading, and texture The whole piece includes line to give myself (face, shoulders and arms) definition. The lines and shading also added texture to my hair and my shirt. The shading helps add texture to my hair, showing individual hairs and direction/ flow of my hair.

6. Did you enjoy working on this project?
I did enjoy working on this project. It was interesting to actually have to look carefully at details of myself and things I wanted to include in the drawing.

7. What do you think of your final artwork?
Im actually very surprised with my final artwork. After re- doing it a feel times, I was able to get it the way I wanted it to look. I was surprised at my drawing skills when I actually had to try.

Critic's Report- Project 5 blog

1. Which projects did you review?

I reviewed "Full figured" by Nicholas Sessanna.

2. Why did you select the Exhibit you critiqued?

I selected this exhibit to critique because out the few I chose to consider, I enjoyed the meaning and theme behind this presentation. It was a unique topic to choose.

3. What challenges did you face in writing the critique article and how did you overcome them?

While writing this critique I was not sure how to start, and what things to concentrate on. Once I explained why I chose the exhibit, and why I enjoyed it, the ideas of things I wanted to say started to flow out.

4. How do you feel about critiquing your peers work?

I think critiquing peers work is a great thing. I enjoyed being able to really look at someone else's work, and analyze why they chose and did the things that they did, and also how they differ from what I did. Everyone interprets things differently and I have seen many variations between different exhibits. This makes everything more interesting to see, and makes me want to see more.

5. Would you like to read the critique your peers wrote about your Art Curation Project?

I would love to read what my peers wrote about my Art Curation project. I enjoyed creating the project and I put a lot of time into it, so it would be nice to see what other people have to say, and even get feedback and ideas on things I could have changed or done differently because there are plenty of ideas I did not come up with it that I saw in my peer's projects. It is nice to get others perspectives on things, thats how we learn and grow.

6. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your finished article and why?

I would rate my article at a 9, because I feel I did a good job at explaining things that I really enjoyed throughout the project, and I also gave him some advice on things that I would have liked to see as a viewer.

7. Did you enjoy working on this project?

I did enjoy working on this project. I learned a lot in a short time. I learned many new artists and styles. I also learned about critiquing, and how difficult it can be to be a critic and explaining your ideas on paper.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

AED 200 Course Reflection

1. My expectation from the first week was that the class would teach me how to look at an art piece and be able to interpret it and understand the history behind the artwork. My expectations were definitely met.
2. I originally posted "art is esthetically pleasing to the viewer's eye, and can be an expression of one's thoughts and emotions. I still agree and like the way I defined art.
3. My favorite artist was Vincent Van Gogh, I do still enjoy his work. However my new favorite artist is Pablo Picasso. I was able to see a lot more of his work and I even used one of his pieces in my project 4 presentation.
4. I like taking online courses. I liked that I was able to work on my own pace to a certain extent. From my first post, I did not know what to expect from online classes to compare.

Project 4- Reflection of Process

I created this project by going on askART and I was able to click a topic and then further click sub-topics. I found modernism and then found the sub-group Nude painters. Nude painters jumped out at me, since I always seen a ton of paintings with nude people. I also wanted to choose something different than most people. From askART I was able to see a list of painters who have done nude paintings. Then I went onto CAMIO where I was able to search Nude painters where a ton of results came up. From there I chose paintings that appealed to me between both of the sites. Once I had all of my paintings chosen, I started to work on my powerpoint. I played around with different backgrounds. I wanted a plain background with a neutral color so it would not draw attention away from from the artwork. I can not really explain how I chose to order the paintings. I just moved them around until I liked where they were. I hope you like the final result!