Saturday, March 26, 2011

Art Exploration #4

1. It was easy to use my hand as my subject matter because I did not have to think of what to use. Also I can look at and feel my hands as much as I need to, to be able to draw them, so it was not based just on sight.

2. I chose to use a pencil because it was easier for me to hold, I could make lighter and darker lines as needed and also its easier to erase anything I did.

3. It was tough trying to actually draw with my non-dominant hand (right hand). My handwriting is not that different between my two hands because I used to use both, and depending on what I'm doing I use my right hand alot. However drawing was a different story, it was harder to make the curves I wanted to with my right hand and to make lines. However I still found this difficult to even do with my dominant hand.

4. Both pictures were rough. My dominant hand gave more detail to the outline of my hand and I could make the lines in my palm look pretty much how they actually look. However with my non-dominant hand I had straighter lines and my fingertips were more rounded. The actual difference between the two is only a slight difference.

5. Even though there was not a huge difference between my drawings, I would not use my non-dominant hand for anything in the future including artwork. It was hard to properly hold the pencil and to move it the way I wanted to.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Week 9- Video Reviews- Blog

1. I chose to watch The Drawings of Michelangelo because I enjoy his work. I also chose Leonardo da Vinci because he is one of my favorite artists. I chose to watch Albrecht Durer: Image of a Master because I really never heard of him before and I was interested in learning more. The final video I chose to watch was Velazquez growing up but I never new what it was.

2. In The Drawings of Michelangelo, it was interesting to see how Michelangelo would sketch to get an idea of the space and shapes. He was able to show volume and mass in his drawings. Since he is also a sculptor in his drawings, he makes the men looked chiseled. This video did a good job showing Michenlangelo's tools and techniques he used and how great of an artist he really was.
In the video Leonardo da Vinici, it really gave me insight into his life and how he grew to be one of the most famous artists in our history. I did not know he studied so many subjects and he really is considered a "Renaissance man".
In Albrecht Durer: Image of a master, this video really showed us how Durer was a great artist and gave me a better idea of what art was like in Northern Renaissance. He comes from a line of type of artists, his father was a goldsmith and his godfather was a publisher and printer. He had many influences in his life.
The final video, Velazquez I found interesting. I didn't even realize that Velazquez was a person until watching this video. He could really paint the emotions of the royals. He also painted Greek Mythology which was rare for a spanish artists. He ended up one of the greatest painters from Spain.

3. The videos relate to the text because they really explained the lives the artists had during the times periods we read about in the book for example middle ages with the gothic arts, early renaisaance, high renaissance etc. We were able to see the influences from the period and how the artists grew to be famous artist.

4. These films give me a greater understanding to the concepts I read about because I was able to see a different side of the artists, where they came from, how they grew up wiithin that time period and what was going on in the world at that time. It gives complemetary additional information in a more entertaining way that helps me actually see and visualize everything instead of just reading about it in a book and visualizing it in my head.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 7- Video Reviews

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Video 1- Prairie Style
I learned about Frank Lloyd Wright and his "new" design of prairie style homes. Also, how Wright used an open floor plan which was rare for that era. Also, how Wright designed the homes based off of the elements ex: the sun follows the house throughout the day and was planned to shine in during certain time of the day.

Video 2- Architecture: The Science of Design
I learned how architects create skyscrappers and test them against wind speeds to make sure they can withstand them. I also learned how they use concrete and how they reinforce concrete since it can be brittle.

Video 3- Classical Architecture
I learned about the becoming of architecture throughout Greece and Rome, how it all was "started" as an artform. Also how they used the elements and principles within the architecture.

Video 4- Frank Gehry: Architecture as Art
I learned how Gehry evokes emotional responses from the viewers with his buildings. I liked how Gehry talked about how buildings evolve over time depending on how they have been used and taken care of, the buildings purpose; because as we previously learned that all buildings are created to serve a purpose. Frank Gehry attempts to form a connection between the buildings, culture, and art history.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
All of these videos give us real life examples to help us better understand what we have already read. By watching the videos we can see what we read come to life in a way and see how architecture techniques and technology have changed over time, and at the same time we still use some of the original techniques, styles.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?

Similar to what I talked about in the quesiton above, The films help me better understand what I have read. While reading the text book it is hard to picture a building actually being built, how they are planned, the actually process behind it and then actually built. By watching the videos it gives me a better understanding of how architectures think and look at the buildings they create in a very artistic way. Everything they do while building has a purpose.

4. From the group of four that you had a choice: Why did you choose that film?

I chose to watch Frank Gehry: Architecture as Art, because I am interested in the art and creativity behind architecture. I love seeing original custom homes, and I find it interesting to see how an architecture creates a building that does evoke emotions and create human responses; what the logic and process is behind creating such a building.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Art Exploration #3- Installation


A. Installation art is a modified space in which the viewer can enter and experience the artwork.
B. There are no set materials used in installation art. An artist can pretty much use any object.
C. Artists create installations because they want to evoke feelings and emotions in the viewer. The idea of an installation is to change the space in a room to create different feelings.
D. The installation I found most interesting is from the book, Jumbo Spoons and Big Cake by Thomas Hirchhorn. Its crazy and all over the place. As a viewer I do not even know where to begin.


A. An installation piece that gives me inspiration is Jumbo Spoons and Big Cake by Thomas Hirschhorn (like I used in Reflect: D). I like how crazy and overwhelming it is. It makes the piece more interesting.
B. The theme I decided I wanted to explore is Looking Outward: Here and Now.
C. I will use everyday materials like paper, pens but also objects I use for work like a scan gun, my computer and sign stock.
D. My installation will take place in my office at work because I have limited resources and I thought if I did it at work it could be different.

4. My installation takes place in my office at work. I have many open boxes on the computer screen, all my work is laid across my desk with a notebook, pen, pencil, my scan gun,and includes my office supplies like my phone, training binders, our drawers for the supplies. There is just stuff everywhere.
5. The elements and principles used are: Lines, every object in the picture potrays lines. Light and color, there are colors to every object used and the lighting in the office and from the computer which affects the coloring. My installation places emphasis on the computer and paperwork.
6. I wanted to create an installation with the theme Looking Outward:The Here and Now. I wanted it to feel busy and for the viewer to be able to see what a busy day at work is like. The viewer shouldn't really know where to start. I had very limited resources and I didn't know where to start. But when I started thinking that installations can be walked into and experienced which is what i do at work, so I went with that.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 6- Blog Video Review

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

In "Through the eyes of the sculpture" I learned about different types of stone and what a quarry is. It was interesting to see that there are jobs as scupltures out there, it's not like they just create sculptures for themselves that maybe put in an art museum. Its an actual job. They can be hired for restorations, they can build things like actual buidlings, bridges, fountains etc. It was interesting to see that he made impressions to be able to create a statue with deal
In "Glass and Ceramics" I learned the science on how to create glass art pieces. I didn't realize glass blowing was exactly that, blowing into a pipe with glass on the end, and it inflates the glass. I also learned that the qualitt of raw materialsused and the temperature used is what differentiates the different types of ceramics. I found it interesting that they are using ceramics in the medical field for things like hip prosthetics. Ceramics are stronger than steel and can withstand high temperatures.
In "Installation Art" I learned that an installationg is more than just a sculpture or a 3D piece. It can be many different things like a whole building or even music. These artists are manipulating space and our perceptions.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

These videos relate to the readings from the text by showing real life examples and visuals of how installments, glass, ceramics and other crafts are created.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?

These films gave me a deeper understanding of artists who create sculptures, installments and crafts. The films let me visually see what I read, showing me hiow things are made and different things that artist can do with each topic.

Peer Blog Reviews

1. Hyperlink the Blogs you reviewed into your Blog

2. When looking at Project #1: (Elements and Principles), did you agree with the element or principle the artist listed with the images? Did you see other elements and principles in the images?
I agree with the images chosen to represent the elements and principles in both blogs. One example of a picture representing more than one element is in the second blog I chose by Dan Collins there is a picture of a gate for proportion which had many different elements in it including color and texture.

3. When looking at Project #2: Where there any images in the Peer Blogs the same as your own? If yes, what were they? Where the reasons the image was selected the same or different as your own?

I was not able to get to the art gallery since I was out of state, but I know I would have used Sol LeWitt's Wall Drawing as an example because this would have been amazing to see the detail in person and both students chose this piece for a similar reason.

4. Where there any images that your Peers selected that pique your interest now? If yes, what are they and what is your connection with them? What would you want to know about them?

There was an image that the first student chose that piqued my interest and that is Seamlessy Lost
it seems overwhelming because it is so large but tht is what attracts me to it, and I would love to know the bafckground information about the painting to better understand the meaning.

5. What do you think about the process of reading your peers reflection? Do you find this to be a valuable in your learning?

I found doing the peer reviews to be valuable because it gives me insight to different perceptions and ideas on artwork and I find it interesting how we all interpret things differently or similarly.

6. Check your Blog and read comments posted by your Peers. Do you find their comments helpful?

No one has commented on my blog.